Sometime last year, we got into a pickling craze and started pickling everything! Of all the recipes we tried, our pickled okra recipe seems to be the one that we keep coming back to. We make a new batch every time we run out (which normally happens rather quickly), and we have finally perfected our recipe and are excited to share it with you today!
It's incredibly easy and super delicious to pair with just about any meal. All you will need are the ingredients below, a pot, and 16 ounce wide-mouth mason jars.

First thing's first - grab all your ingredients.

Bring the liquids and dry seasonings to a boil in a pot.

While you have the liquids heating up, wash the okra and pack them into the jars with the garlic and Thai chili peppers! You'll be filling up about 5 jars.
Pro-tip: make sure to get the wide-mouth jars. It'll make your life a million times easier. Get it on Amazon here.

Pour the boiling liquid into the jars, leaving about 1/2 an inch at the top. Let it sit for about 5 minutes, then tightly seal the jars. Refrigerate them for 2 weeks, and you're ready to eat!
If you want to sterilize the okra for shelf storage, you can boil the jars in hot water after the last step for 10 minutes, and you're good to go!

The Best 8-Ingredient Pickled Okra
Yield: 5 mason jars
10 cups of okra (about 80 pieces)
4 cups white vinegar
2 cup water
3 1/2 tbs salt
1/3 cup crushed red pepper
20 whole dried chili peppers
5 garlic cloves
2 tbs dill
1 tsp paprika
Optional: add dried Thai chili peppers for extra spice (we add about 5 peppers per jar)
1. Add the water and vinegar to a pot and bring to a slow boil.
2. Mix the salt, red pepper, dill, and paprika together and then add to the pot.
3. Wash the okra, garlic cloves, and whole chili peppers and then pack tightly in to the jars. (1 garlic clove and 4 chili peppers per jar)
4. Carefully pour the boiling mixture over the okra up to 1/2 inch below the top of the jar. Let it sit for 5 minutes to let out any air.
5. Tightly seal jars with the canning lids.
6. Refrigerate for two weeks, then enjoy!
Optional: To sterilize the okra for shelf storage, add the sealed jars to a large pot and cover with water to 1-2 inches above the lids. Boil the water for 10 minutes then carefully remove.